Transport, Housing and Wellbeing
in West Central Scotland

The 'Transport, Housing & Wellbeing' (THAW) Study aimed to examine relationships between health, housing and transport; we were particularly interested in the effects that housing quality and the surrounding environment, and the use of different types of transport, could have on people’s health.

Based on an earlier study (see publications), the THAW questionnaire, included questions on the respondents’ mental and physical health and well-being, lifestyle, housing, neighbourhood, transport, employment, and finance. 2092 adults, aged between 17 and 95 years old, and living in West Central Scotland, took part in the Study in 2010.

THAW 2010 and was conducted as a collaboration between the Neighbourhoods and Health team at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (SPHSU) and the Department of Urban Studies,at the University of Glasgow. For further information about the study please contact Dr Anne Ellaway (Principal Investigator).