

Macdonald, L. Associations between spatial access to physical activity facilities and frequency of physical activity; how do home and workplace neighbourhoods in West Central Scotland compare? International Journal of Health Geographics; 2019,18(2). Open Access

Olsen J.R., Dundas R., and Ellaway A. Are changes in neighbourhood perceptions associated with changes in self-rated mental health in adults? A 13 year repeat cross-sectional study, UK. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 2017;14(12),1473. Open Access

Olsen, J.R, Macdonald, L., and Ellaway, A. Changes over time in population level transport satisfaction and mode of travel: a 13 year repeat cross-sectional study, UK. Journal of Transport and Health 2017;6,366-378. Open Access

Ellaway A, Macdonald L, Kearns A. Are housing tenure and car access still associated with health? A repeat cross-sectional study of UK adults over a 13 year period. BMJ Open 2016;6:e012268. Open Access

Macdonald L, Kearns A, Ellaway A. Do residents' perceptions of being well-placed and objective presence of local amenities match? A case study in West Central Scotland, UK. BMC Public Health 2013;13. Open Access

Ellaway A, McKay L, Macintyre S, Kearns A, Hiscock R: Are social comparisons of homes and cars related to psychosocial health? International Journal of Epidemiology 2004, 33:1065-1071.

Macintyre S, Ellaway A, Hiscock R, Kearns A, Der G, McKay L: What features of the home and area might help to explain observed relationships between housing tenure and health? Evidence from the West of Scotland. Health & Place 2003, 9:207-218.

Hiscock R, Macintyre S, Ellaway A, Kearns A: Residents and residence: Factors predicting the health disadvantage of social renters compared to owner-occupiers. Journal of Social Issues 2003, 59:527-546

Ellaway A, Macintyre S, Hiscock R, Kearns A: In the driving seat: psychosocial benefits from private motor vehicle transport compared to public transport. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 2003, 6:217-231

Hiscock R, Macintyre S, Kearns A, Ellaway A. Means of transport and ontological security: Do cars provide psychosocial benefits to their users. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and the Environment, 7:119-135, 2002.

Macintyre S, Hiscock R, Kearns A, Ellaway A: Housing tenure and car access: further exploration of the nature of their relationships with health in a UK setting. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2001, 55:330-331

Hiscock R, Kearns A, Macintyre S, Ellaway A. Ontological security and psychosocial benefits from the home: qualitative evidence on issues of tenure. Housing, Theory and Society, 18:50-66, 2001.


Macdonald L (2016). Associations between built environment supports for physical activity and physical activity behaviour, how do home and workplace neighbourhoods in west central Scotland compare? (Master's dissertation), University of Southampton.


Kearns A, Ellaway A, Macintyre S, Hiscock R. The THAW report: findings of a study of transport, housing and wellbeing in the West of Scotland. Glasgow: Urban Studies, University of Glasgow; MRC SPHSU 2000

Hiscock R, Ellaway A, Kearns A, Macintyre S. Transport, housing and well-being in West Central Scotland, Working Paper 69. Glasgow: MRC SPHSU 1999

Book Chapters

Hiscock R, Ellaway A, Macintyre S, Kearns A. The signficance of residence: Exploring the links between ontological security, housing tenure and place. In: Gurney, C (ed), Placing Changes: Perspectives on Place in Housing and Urban Studies. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007.

Macintyre S, Hiscock R, Ellaway A, Kearns A. The Fallacy of the equivalence of a range of household and area based indicators of material resources in the geography of health inequalities. In: Boyle P, Curtis S, Gatrell T and Moore E (eds), The Geography of Health Inequalities in the Developed World: Views from Britain and North America, Ashgate, 309-329, 2004.

Macintyre S, Hiscock R, Kearns A, Ellaway A. Housing tenure and health inequalities: a three-dimensional perspective on people, homes and neighbourhoods. In Graham H (ed), Understanding Health Inequalites. Open University Press, Buckingham, 129-142, 2000.